Donate Stocks and Securities

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Donating Stocks and Securities

A gift of stocks and securities to Michigan Humane is a simple yet powerful way to support our mission of saving abused and neglected animals in Southeast Michigan. Complete the form below and consult with your broker to donate stock to Michigan Humane.

When you transfer ownership of long-term holdings to Michigan Humane, you receive a charitable deduction for their full market value. Another advantage is that you will not incur capital gains tax.

Charitable deductions are subject to IRS deduction limits. Please consult with your financial adviser to complete the following steps:

Step 1: Initiate the Transfer

Stocks and securities are contributed to Michigan Humane via electronic transfer. However, it is necessary for you to contact your financial adviser to initiate the transfer.

Step 2: Complete the Form Below

Upon receipt of the transferred shares (which can take up to several business days – or weeks in the case of mutual funds), We will mail you a tax receipt. Valuation: Please consult with your tax adviser to determine whether to use the mean of the highest and lowest quoted price on the date the shares are received, or another value for tax purposes. Michigan Humane cannot provide a valuation. Please refer to the IRS Publication 561 for additional details.


Feel great knowing that your gift will help to save the lives of countless helpless and homeless animals!